CALL NOW: +44 (0)1931 714270
Delivering complex engineering solutions UK-wide for almost 50 years
Dredging of river bed silts and installation of rock armour
Construction of RC Humus Tank & associated inter connecting pipework
Installation of cofferdams and RC structures and the associated interconnecting pipework
installation of a new gravity fed 400/450mm ductile Iron main with Pre-fabricated inspection chambers
Specialist plant hire for the construction of new flood defences.
Installation of approximately 24km of ducting and cabling from the wind farm to a grid connection point. This involved burying over 150,000 meters of ducting and winching in the 33kV cable.
Longreach hire for dredging works and assistance with the tie rod installation
Specialist GPS controlled longreach equipment and attachments for UXO clearance in advance of the main airport extension works.
Relining of existing tidal outfall and installation of new flap valves.
Assisting with the assembly and movement of the floating lines.
Waitings were contracted to install approximately 24km of ducting and cabling from a wind farm 20 miles north of Hexham, to a grid connection point at a local distribution network operators substation.
Maintenance dredging to ferry pontoon using a variety of different methods and assisted by a large cutter suction dredger.
Construction of a new cycle track and all associated landscaping works.
Cut and fill exercise on the runway and installation of service ducting
Installation of large diameter pipelines Installation of 300m sheet piles Construction of large attenuation basin
Burnfoot Wind Farm was a project that Waitings initially worked on over five years ago, installing the ducting and cables for the exporting of electricity to a substation at Alva in Sterling, Scotland.
Framework agreement for the completion of various works to ensure consent dates were met.
Multi site contract to include the construction of new concrete structures and installation of associated pipework and ducting and 8m deep wetwells.
Installation and excavation of 2 no. cofferdams. Installation of associated ducts and pipework.
Repairs to timber groynes to include new timber piles and timber works
Waitings were honoured to work on an 11 km section of the south Egremont pipeline. The project was part of a large scheme to replenish water to Ennerdale Lake
Providing one of our 5m ribs for safety boat cover on marine cofferdam.
Hire of modular pontoons from our sister company PSUK.
Installation of the dockside berthing pontoon at Victoria Quays.
Dredging of approximately 3km of tidal river. The works included working from pontoons in open water and additional activities under Network Rail bridge assets on the West Coast Mainline.
Maintenance dredging to ensure the continued use of the station.
Design and installation of large land drainage scheme
Removal of existing weir to include installation of scour protection and underpinning works to existing bridge piers.
Unloading and transportation of 13500te of Norwegian rock armour.
Removal of flood debris and re-profiling existing batter to include scour protection to toe and installation of erosion matting.